Friday, June 11, 2010

Angel Baby Tattoo.

This is a tattoo I was commissioned to draw. Its not done yet though, I have to add some lettering.

pencil on bristol.

Bleeding Flowers.

I painted this last year. I was bored and I thought it would be cool.

acrylic paint, india ink on canvas board.

Dragon Set.

I was going to repaint my room and do this Chinese theme, so I painted these two pictures.

acrylic paint, on canvas board.


This is a painting that I did of my favorite point of Hillbright Rd. here in Chester. My best friend and I used to go on these drives everyday after school on this road, and I wanted to remember it forever.

Oil pastel, landscape, paper.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Skin Illustrations.

Last night my drawing was turned into a living art piece! It is one of the greatest things that has ever happened to me. I can't believe that my art is now part of someone's body.

Jake Piece #2 Complete.

Today I finished the 2nd piece of my Jake Gyllenhaal study! It took a little longer than I expected, but I think I like this one more than the first.

Charcoal, and pencil on drawing paper.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Day 3.

Day 3 of Gyllenhaal piece #2. I got the face done and now all I have to finish is the tux, the hair and the background. I'm doing my best to get it done by Tuesday.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Day 2.

Day 2 of Gyllenhaal piece #2. Pretty much more base work and I got rid of all my grid lines! yay!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

It's Coming Along.

I know it's a bad picture, but it's the best I can do. This is pretty much the beginning of my next work in my Gyllenhaal study.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Thinking Time.

So right now I'm working on this Minoan water jug thing. I'm doing that during the day while school is in and I'm gonna start a new portrait tonight. Its gonna be another Jake Gyllenhaal. I found these really cool photos of him today and I really can't help myself. He's just such a good subject.... I think I might have to do a whole study on him.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


I finished this piece this past Sunday. I had just watched Brothers, and was completely caught up with Jake Gyllenhaal. Jeeze he's good lookin ain't he? Anyways, portraits are kind of my thing, so I thought he would be my next subject.
Pencil, Charcoal.


This piece was finished about 4 days ago. I know it sounds cliche, but it came to me in a dream. I wanted to create a piece about one of the most beautiful parts of the body.
Pencil, charcoal, oil pastel, paper, rubber cement.


I just finished this piece about 2 weeks ago. I just love the fantastical idea of vampires, and they show up a lot in my work.
Charcoal, india ink.


I decided to paint my room purple when I was 13. I thought it would be cool and don't get me wrong I love purple, but boy am I tired of that color now! And when my mama said I could paint on my walls I knew the first thing that I wanted to do. I draw this all the time when I'm bored, its kind of like my go-to-doodle. My walls are looking better all the time.
Acrylic paint

A Tattoo for Bree.

And after I posted those two on facebook, one of my other girls asked me to come up with something for her. Her grandfather loved birds, and he had recently passed away. "Of course I will!"
Colored pencil, permanent marker

A Tattoo for Me.

Well since I was all in art mode and was thinkin "Tattoo, Tattoo, Tattoo", I drew this one up for myself. I love the water...
Colored Pencil, Permanent marker

A Tattoo for Kurstin.

I finished this one about 5 months ago for one of my best friends. She was about to turn 18 and really wanted a special flower tattoo. So I racked the ol' brain and came up with this. She just turned 18 a few days ago, and we are currently planning a trip to Gastonia to get it done! What an honor!!!
Colored pencil, permanent marker.


I completed this piece my junior year of high school. It was an assignment for my art class, and it ended up being very good. I gave it to my grandmother for Christmas since she is like Marilyn Monroe's biggest fan. Needless to say she freakin loved it. I know this is kind of a weird angle, so I'll try to get a better one now that it is framed to post.

Pencil, charcoal, paper.

Hi! My name is Jade Bright, and I am an aspiring artist from Chester, SC. This blog will be all about my art. I need to get it out there you know? I'm ready for the world to see my stuff! Hope you all enjoy this.