Friday, June 11, 2010

Angel Baby Tattoo.

This is a tattoo I was commissioned to draw. Its not done yet though, I have to add some lettering.

pencil on bristol.

Bleeding Flowers.

I painted this last year. I was bored and I thought it would be cool.

acrylic paint, india ink on canvas board.

Dragon Set.

I was going to repaint my room and do this Chinese theme, so I painted these two pictures.

acrylic paint, on canvas board.


This is a painting that I did of my favorite point of Hillbright Rd. here in Chester. My best friend and I used to go on these drives everyday after school on this road, and I wanted to remember it forever.

Oil pastel, landscape, paper.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Skin Illustrations.

Last night my drawing was turned into a living art piece! It is one of the greatest things that has ever happened to me. I can't believe that my art is now part of someone's body.

Jake Piece #2 Complete.

Today I finished the 2nd piece of my Jake Gyllenhaal study! It took a little longer than I expected, but I think I like this one more than the first.

Charcoal, and pencil on drawing paper.