Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Today I'm doing 1960. Which means I get to embody one of my fashion idols: Twiggy! Everyone knows who Twiggy is, and all about her Mod makeup. I like the look. It's nice and dramatic... just the way I likes it.


Yesterday I did the 50's which meant soft color, but bold eyeliner. CAT EYE! YAY! So I did a soft, pastel purple with that awesome eyeliner. I really like this look. It's dramatic without being crazy, which I usually do. :)

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Ok so the start of the week begins with 1920. I wanted to get that dark, lush look that I have always loved, but I didn't want it to be pure black. So I did this sort of dark, navy blue black color with the heavy lined eyes. Makes me wanna do the Charleston.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

The Green Lantern.

Well IDK about you, but I'm totally excited about The Green Lantern for a few reasons. But mainly because Ryan Reynolds will be sporting a skin tight Green Lantern suit. EXCITED MUCH!!!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

The Weekend.

So it's the weekend, and I'm done with my journey around the world's makeup. Next week I will be traveling back in time with my eyes. I'm going to do the 20's, the 50's, the 60's, the 70's, and the 80's! YAY! So excited. See ya'll Monday.

Friday, June 10, 2011


My next stop on my makeup quest is Romania! Land of vampires. lol. I was thinkin dark and dirty. Like the streets.

Thursday, June 9, 2011


Today I visited Brazil in my makeup journey. All I could think about while coming up with this look was those super tan, brozed, natural beauties that inhabit the beaches of Brazil. Nice, naturral, and bronzed.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Ok so today on my Makeup Journey around the world I stopped by Madagascar. I was thinking really jungle-y, greeny, earthy. And this is what I came up with.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


OK. So this week I am doing countries, and my first stop is China! And I really just recreated my version of this look from the Empress in The Curse of the Golden Flower. She is always wearing gold, and it is such a beautiful movie. Watch it if you can. The first picture is of her and the look that I'm recreating.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides

I did this look becauese I thought I was gonna get to go to see the new Pirates movie, and I wanted to do something that was sultry and smokey, but also had some gold in it in some way. This is what I came up with, and I loved it. I'm always so excited about my theme looks! ArGH!

The Princess & The Frog

This is a makeup look I did for a student showcase at school. We were all Disney characters, and one of my classmates was Princess Tiana from The Princess & The Frog. So I did some soft lime greens and a pretty brown sparkle eyeliner. I loved this subtle colorful look!

Tequila Sunrise

I did this dramatic eye look a few weeks ago to match a pair of earrings I have. Had em forever, and I always thought they were so pretty!!

The Peacock

I did this makeup look about a month ago, and its the most beautiful of all the birds: The Peacock. A truly beautiful man!

The Tree Frog

One more animal makeup design. The Tree Frog, cute and colorful, but also potentialy deadly. Nice and bright and summery. Sorry about the horrible pictures!